Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Burning Heart

My heart is burning with love. 
All can see this flame. 
My heart is pulsing with passion 
like waves on an ocean. 

My friends have become strangers 
and I'm surrounded by enemies. 
But I'm free as the wind, 
no longer hurt by those who reproach me. 

I'm at home wherever I am 
and in the room of lovers 
I can see with closed eyes 
the beauty that dances. 

Behind the veils, 
intoxicated with love, 
I too dance the rhythm 
of this moving world. 

I have lost my senses 
in my world of lovers.


  1. [color="red"]Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does.
    Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

    _James A. Baldwin[/color]


  2. :-h introduce LINDSEY to DASHA :)

    1. wooow dear John she is wonderful musician!!
      Thank you for visit me here in this blog of poem.
      I only have to Reni here for share,
      She is a amazing woman and friend. I like the people how she.

      Enjoying with the poem and music my dear friend d-)

  3. :x :-f

    1. she has a wonderful heart and a lot to
      give to those who most need.
      God bless and protect she always and
      I hope that she never forget to the more needy ...

      Thank you dear John for this wonderful video, I like very much

    2. [color="red"]Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

      _Dalai Lama



  4. very beautiful....<3<3<3

    1. Thank you dear Reni <3


  5. My hair is white birch leaves ,
    land birds .
    Birds are like our years ,
    scattered in the heavens ,
    where it covertly us wandering thoughts .
    No sleep like a dove ,
    nowhere is off.
    In my garden blossoming lilacs.
    I sowed together
    Rain and raw
    If there was no water .
    Stop the passing of time
    to remain a world without beauty .
    When I met you
    carried in the hands harvest.
    My heart with ripening corn .
    At the beginning of the world
    affected source .
    I was afraid to put out fire
    and became the nightingale throat .
    I do not know who you are,
    thought of the time ,
    marrow of anxiety ,
    secret of nature
    word or the word spurt .
    Love you ...
    by Snezana Petrovska


    1. oh my dear friend, It´s wonderful the poem that You share me here.
      Thank you Reni <3

      My hands are in love,
      alas, my mouth loves -
      and see, I am suddenly aware
      that things are so close to me
      I can hardly walk among them
      without suffering.

      It is a sweet feeling
      of waking, of dreaming,
      and I am here now, without sleep -
      I clearly see the ivory gods,
      I take them in my hands and
      thrust them, laughing, in the moon
      up to their sculpted hilts -
      the wheel of an ancient ship, adorned
      and spun by sailors.

      Jupiter is yellow, Hera
      the magnificent shades to silver.
      I strike the wheel with my left hand and it moves.
      It is a dance of sentiments, my love,
      many a goddess of the air, between the two of us.
      And I, the sail of my soul
      billowed with longing,
      look for you everywhere, and things come
      ever closer,
      crowding my chest, hurting me.

      *Nichita Stãnescu

    2. thank you Dasha <3 <3 <3

  6. have wonderful week dear Dasha...

    1. Thank you dear Reni <3
      Have a nice week :-f


  7. HI Reni, very nice to meet you here :)
    I like the 2 very nice poems here girls :-h

    1. hi Lohn...thank you....
      by the way, beautiful music by Lindsey Stirling


  9. She is magic dear John, I would wonder what she says at the end of each video ...
    Nice week dear bee bee and Thank you :-f



